Education’s Fee

Education’s Fee

Education’s Fee for the Academic Year 2020/2021 and Estimated Tuition Fees Up to Completion of the Bachelor’s Degree Program (S1), with a Study Duration of 8 (Eight) Semesters:

1 Education Development Contribution (SPP) Rank 1 Rp. 17.000.000
2 Education Implementation Fee (BPP) :
8 semester x Rp. 8.000.000,-
Rp. 64.000.000
3 Additional Education Administration Fee (BPP)/credits :
144 sks x Rp. 325.000,-
Rp. 46.800.000
4 Student Activity Fund (DKM)/year : 3 thn x Rp. 50.000,- Rp. 150.000
5 Student and Employee Health Fund (DKMK)
/semester : 7 semester x Rp. 60.000,-
Rp. 420.000
6 Registration/year : 7 year x Rp. 20.000,- Rp. 140.000
7 Practice Rp. 5.000.000
All Fees for 8 Semesters Rp. 133.510.000
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